life cycle analysis

Our LCAs enable organisations to identify potential environmental risks and lead to tangible reductions in the use of resources, pollutants, emissions and waste.

Life Cycle Analysis is used to determine the environmental impact of the products or services of a business. The analysis can be an important basis in bidding for new business where sustainability plays a key role.

An LCA is also an ideal tool in continuous improvements and sustainable development of products and supply chains.

project-based LCAs.
strategic oversight and advice.
evidenced reporting within ESG.
independent sustainability assessments.


Ardhi LCA can support your organisation with:

Understanding and aligning impacts across the supply chain
Reporting performance and progress to achieving sustainability goals
Integrating circular economy culture into your processes
Better knowledge of the environmental footprint of your products and the trade-offs between different environmental factors
Stimulate innovation by enhancing product development and helping to develop more sustainable products – supporting sustainable choices (design, development, manufacture)
Aiding stakeholder communication and helping to satisfy investors, customers & stakeholders
Regularitory compliance and demonstration of  environmental credentials

Skilled Consultants.
Specialised domain knowledge.
Cradle to Grave LCA Approach: Scope 1-4.
ISO 14040 and ISO 14044 compliant.
EN 15804 (EPD standard).
Independent 3rd party verification.

an ecosystem of partners

We have built a powerful ecosystem focused on the different aspects of environmental reporting to help organisations transition to a circular economy.